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Learn this and be happy to create


                      E  XPLORATION


                          bsp; C  REATIVITY


                          bsp;                        I  NNOVATION

螢幕截圖 2022-10-29 下午5.27.16.png


  • Carefully develop various types of STEAM building block interest classes and STEM courses, with "exploration, trying, innovation, and sharing" as the core, gathering building block instructors with different strengths, and using flexible "inspiration" and "guidance" as the core to carefully develop for children [Forward STEM & STEAM] building block interest class series designed


  • Efforts are made to explore children's potential, develop independent thinking, creative thinking, social skills and teamwork spirit, build children's self-confidence, and cultivate and encourage them to use their curiosity and imagination.

Basic understanding

  • Create interactive works and efficiently experience input (program) commands and real-time interactive reactions


  • Students are encouraged to explore the world around them and develop an interest in pursuing science. The key to successful learning is to establish good learning motivation

Practical application

  • Combined with daily life examples (difficulties encountered), flexibly use the knowledge learned to conceive solutions, thereby improving positive problem-solving abilities

  • Through interactive learning, experience scientific inquiry skills including observation, measurement, classification, inference, prediction, hypothesis, analysis, etc.

understand deeper

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the correlation between mathematical concepts, values, and conditions


  • Inspire students to actively use a variety of plug-ins to conduct various experiments, including the use of detectors, various motors, and advanced learning of processes.

competition learning

  • Use the comprehensive knowledge learned in the above stages to independently create models and achieve precise training through competitions. Learn and apply

  • Experience teamwork and interactive communication to inspire students to develop the key to growth thinking●


4-10 years old


60 minutes per class


Number of people

Small class teaching


以STEM & STEAM教學活動形式,由我們專業的積木導師帶領和指導,以輕鬆「砌 積木」的過程及行之有效的方法,使學員在玩耍過程中鍛煉邏輯思維能 力、記憶力、耐力、意志力,達到寓教於樂的效果;有利於發展兒童自 我認知的概念、與人交流的能力、審美能力,促進他們能積極正面表達 情感,及形成正確的價值觀。

有別於在家獨立或親子拼砌,參與我們的興趣班是一個團隊,和學 員們一起「砌積木」。學員之間會有學習和互動的過程,可以培養孩子 們團隊合作、溝通交流的能力、向他人學習優點的優良條件,也會讓孩 子們學會接受自己的失敗,加強抗挫折的能力,建立寶貴的自信心!

正向 STEM / STEAM】的核心價值:

- Painting class - team building - Good places in Causeway Bay - Parent-child activities - Handicraft courses

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